Adoption Support
eQuiPT Therapeutic Service Limited is a registered provider of adoption support for Yorkshire and Humberside. Our services are funded by the Adoption Support Fund and we are registered as an Adoption Support Agency with Ofsted. We work closely with social care to ensure our families are provided with the best service we can offer.
We have an excellent understanding of the impact of difficult early life experiences of neglect, trauma, developmental trauma, abuse, loss and disrupted attachments this has on children and the impact of this on their family and social relationships. Such experiences can affect a child’s ability to build attachments to their adopted family, engage in positive social interactions and be able to recognises their emotions and regulate more affectively, as well as supporting adopters to help their child to regulate more easily through developing helpful skills.
At eQuiPT we work hard to provide the most appropriate assessment and intervention that will support the child and their family best. We understand the difficulties a child could face when expected to verbalise their thoughts, feelings and their behaviours. By providing a range of creative therapies we aim to help the young person to express themselves in different ways.
We provide Art, EMDR, Counselling, Play & Filial Therapy Interventions and a range of therapeutic Assessments.

Where possible we work collaboratively, with the people and services around a child to provide a joined up approach, including social care, schools and the family.
As a company we have set out our aims, objectives and values and created a which demonstrates how we set out to meet our priorities and achieve the outcomes we have set, including the services we offer and the systems we use to maintain a high quality of support for our children, young people, and families. This will be our first formal Statement of Purpose however it mirrors the principles and values we set out when we first set up Equipt Therapy Services; the desire to provide excellent therapy for children.
If you would like more information about our Adoption Support service you can contact us here or email us at
If your child is adopted, or if they are subject to a Special Guardianship Order and have spent time in in the care of the Local Authority, they may be entitled to therapy funded through the Adoption Support Fund. To access this, you need to talk to a social worker through your Local Authority or Adoption Agency and ask for a referral.
"Our groups allow adopters the opportunity to share their experiences without the worry of finding childcare to allow them to attend stress free."
Click for more information about
the Adoption Support Fund
Feedback from young people accessing the group!
Feedback from parents accessing the group!